Holy Cannoli, there's something mesmerising about Simon Baker's directed episode - for a good 40 mins there I almost forgot the mentalist is a network show. His artistic, cinematic eyes put the mentalist to a different level, somewhat felt like a cable show or even a movie. And to top the brilliant direction, Jordan Harper's writing, Blake Neely's peculiar score, all their perfect synchronisation made the whole episode out of ordinary yet simply flawless! JH's latest styles were about lets-reveal-the-killer-at-the-beginning-and-let-the-story-pans-out and dude I so approve.
Before I ramble about anything else, can I just briefly mention how can Robin Tunney be in her 40s here:
That side bangs, goggles and ponytail make her barely looked 30. And oh, how I loved the Chisbon badass choreography in the dark. Chisbon+Gun OTP, well done Simon (although my Lisbian side wants more, things like..let her do another sexy stunt with her left hand again?). And I'm sorry Colonel, they've worked together for almost 15 years now, no badasses could win them, let alone your warriors.

To me the main point about the episode revolves around the Jane and Lisbon future + making plans. From Lisbon kept making a point to Jane that he enjoys what he does and it even foreshadowed on the case: "Let me tell you something about plans, Colonel. They get in the way of instincts" and Jane's line to Lisbon "every good plans need a little bit of luck." I wonder if this is also Jane's subconscious speaking about his relationship.

There were so many Jane and Lisbon adorable moments that made me grin so much. I loved how Jane's strange senses about Colonel Raymond leads to a question on whether his girlfriend ever had a fling with the guy. So funny, that was a natural instinct of a man in love! And Lisbon's smiles when "my girlfriend and I are out house hunting" to how they analyse the crime scene -its just proof that they both are perfectly in sync at all condition.
I love Baker's direction when he shot this scene:
It was as if he was reflecting how far they've come together and now they're in this big new world together. The world with infinite possibilities.
I squealed on their brief hand touch that was literally screaming "lets do this baby, we're partners in love and crime".
The Banter That Is Their Lifeblood
I love love
love how they're still so Jane and Lisbon even as a couple. There's so
much friendship in their intimacy. Instead of having an argumentative
clamor like a real life couple fighting to justify one's point, they're
respectful, careful and most definitely cute. This is the sensible, grown
up couple, suggesting the infinite possibilities for their future in their very
own adorable way! Lisbon was awkwardly doubtful when Jane brought up his
thoughts about taking off, but I'm so happy to see her kept bringing back the
topic so naturally in this episode. Can you see how much they've developed. I
mean look at their f*cked up communication breakdown last season compared to
this day, how the solely eye sex communication in the past has now articulated
into words - god it was delightful to watch. Jane mentioned one strong point,
he's happy for the first time in a decade. And Lisbon's right, he IS having
fun..especially now when he's free from all his demons, I could totally see him
genuinely enjoys the job more than ever. Plus, it was lovely to see him sharing
the bits of fun part to his girl on the case. They're best friends. And my
feelings are all over the place. I need to stop treating fictional characters
as real people at some point though.
Overall, this episode is perfect to me in so many ways. Simon, Jordan, Jimmy and Neely should do a cable show together.
Although there is one thing that kind of disturbed me and that is...
THIS. The obsolete Blackberry. 

It's been 7 seasons, 143 episodes, 14 years of timeline. Don't you think it's time to ditch this phone as a regular? Blackberry was hot in the 2003, and I believed Lisberry's model had come to extinction sometime around 2012. Even Jane the technology crippled person has moved forward to an iPhone. I know I shipped Motoberry hard in Fire and Brimstone but I can't ship iBerry for some reason. Today is a brand new era of Apple dude so Jane please do me a favor, get your girlfriend a new phone or Abbott, give one of your best people an iPhone 6. Look at me blabbing about phones...I'm sorry!
Thanks for reading my ramble. Now read my buddy's awesome as always review here: http://imsonotmelville.blogspot.com.au/