Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Hello from down under

Hi peeps, something triggers me to write this blog. The truth is I am grieving, not about the end of the show, not just yet, more about how the show's wrapped and no longer in production, how everyone has parted and go separate ways. How my favourite set is now left to collect dust in the dimmed light, waiting to be torn apart. How all the sentimental values will be discarded; my couch, my tea cup, my airstream, my citroen, Jane's shoes, Lisbon's cross, etc. How I wish they will left the set open permanently for WB tour viewing like the Central Perk - I can dream alright. Last but not least is the fact that Simon and Robin ain't working together/seeing each other much anymore - hits me big time. I've been actively involved in this fandom for 4 years, it has been a huge part of my life - so it's going to take awhile to adjust to this new situation.

So lets just say this is my way of dealing with grief. I would want to write stuffs about episodes. Till then, ciao.

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